The development of the interior architecture of Coptic Church in the twentieth century

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of decoration and interior design, Higher institute of applied arts - 6th of october, giza, egypt

2 decor department,Faculty of fine arts, Alexandria university,Alexandria, Egypt

3 decor department, Alexandria university, faculty of fine arts, alexandria, egypt


The research deals with the development of Coptic architecture in the twentieth century and some of the most important features of this development followed by the Coptic church architecture, although in a simple way did not reach the full maturity in many cases. The intended development took many aspects both in the influence of the construction method on the architectural style, the symbolic elements, and the modern techniques that were involved in the implementation of the interior and exterior architectural designs of the Coptic church building.
Thus, Coptic architecture was influenced by successive civilizations in different eras. Copts also gave these Byzantine and Roman architectural schools, sometimes Pharaonic religious character, which was satisfying their psychological need by practicing rituals that affect the senses, from which they are transmitted to the soul, and which arouse emotions. And emotions.
The style of the Coptic churches prevailing until the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century is the type of domes churches covering the courtyard known in Egypt since the days of the Pharaohs, which took the Greeks and all the West. The Egyptians certainly knew the dome system before the Greeks, who also used it before it appeared in the Byzantine style.
The design of churches in the twentieth century has been greatly influenced by various factors, including social and economic factors, the emergence of new building materials and construction methods, openness to the culture of the West and the revolution of communications, information and other factors that now affect our contemporary life. Coptic church architecture was also characterized by a deep spiritual character, which Copts distinguished from other Christians in the world, influenced the Coptic architectural approach to the shape of the building, as well as the meditative spiritual nature in the orientation of the church building in which Copts have already rested churches around the world.
We also see how the Coptic Orthodox Church has dealt with the data of postmodern architecture and how it is influenced by its rules in proportion to the spiritual and liturgical principles of this ancient church, its heritage and its devotional philosophy. Where we do a quick study of the internal and external architecture of the Coptic Church in Cairo as well as another Coptic Church in Diaspora and the extent of the application of modern architectural trends in architecture as trends of post-modern architecture


Main Subjects

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