the role of modern technology in the design of contemporary field benches

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of applied art

2 Lecturer, Department of Sculpture, Architectural Modeling and Restoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

3 Professor and Head of Department of Sculpture, Architectural Modeling and Restoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The science wheel accelerated in its continuous progress until it produced new environments such as digital medium, nanotechnology and information technology. It has become a prominent role in the design, production and marketing process. It has developed the artistic skill and knowledge of the designers in achieving their future ambitions and overcoming the difficulties.Technology today has a clear impact on human thought in general and the thought of the designer in particular to reach his artwork to the maximum stages of professionalism and development to suit the constant and rapid change of the requirements of the times. Radical and tremendous developments in the various computer capabilities of design and manufacturing programs and tools allowed the designer to deal with an integrated virtual reality to study his product, analyze and modify it and develop an integrated final form for his design. Digital technology has been able to create a virtual reality in which the boundaries and obstacles facing the designer fade away. It is now easy to put the seat design in the vacuum, to show it, to modify it, to study it, to analyze it and to identify all its characteristics before performing the actual seat. Which contributed to enriching the creative ability of the designer. The problem of research is summarized in: Recognition of the effectiveness of the digital revolution in the design of field seats. And how to combine science and art together to get the field seat to keep up with the age in terms of aesthetics and technology. Research Methodology: The researcher used descriptive analytical method.

The main results of the research:
• The digital revolution removed the obstacles faced by the designer in the full imagination of the seat.
• Technology has changed the concept of field seat design.
Opening words:


Main Subjects

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