Analytical study of the moveable architecture elements in the internal architecture of AL-HARAM AL NABAWI

Document Type : Original Article


Interior design-Decor Fine of arts - Helwan university- Cairo - Egypt


AL-HARAM AL NABAWI is the core of mosques formation around the world. It was built by prophet Mohamed peace upon him 14 centuries ago and flourished throughout history and passed by so many stages. Architects used countless ideas to give it majesty and honor.
Because of the development of the computer technologies and building material, beside the spread of sensors systems technologies, a lot of significant architectural projects have appeared resulted from the presence of movable systems that have an obvious effect on the internal design and the building functional and formational nature, which appeared in AL-HARAM AL NABAWI mosque through its mechanical umbrellas that open and close automatically and through its movable domes.

The research problem arises in the following question: what are the elements of moveable architecture and what is its effect on the internal architecture of AL-HARAM AL NABAWI and what are the materials used in its building and formation?

One of the main objectives of the research was: accurate determination and description of the architecture moveable elements in the internal space of AL-HARAM AL NABAWI such as its sliding domes and moving umbrellas. The researcher used the scientific analysis method through field visits to understand the special details of this moveable architecture and its effect on the internal space in terms of its integration with the other formational elements of the place, and she used the documentary approach to accurately describe the methods of its manufacture and the usage of materials and modern methods in constructing and building them.
One of the most important results we got from the research is that the latest types of technology were used in the internal architecture of AL-HARAM AL NABAWI, the kind of technology that serves the internal space and provide comfort and environmental design for its users, beside considering AL-HARAM AL NABAWI as one of the first valuable expansion in processing the environmental control systems when designing mosques in a way that is not inconsistent with the constants.
Keywords: modern technology, moveable architecture. AL-HARAM AL NABAWI, internal architecture


Main Subjects

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