Improving aesthetic and functional values of children’s wear packs using waste recycling

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Ready-made Garments Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Damietta, Egypt.

2 Readymade Garments Dep., High institute of engineering and technology, Elmahala elkubra ..


Garments packing is one of the most important factors which support the marketing and promotion of garments products, save these products from damage, and show them in the best image. A great development was happened in the production technology of garments packing materials. Waste recycling, to produce new products, is one of the most important issues which a lot of researchers, all over the world, need to achieve it using creative methods. Waste recycling achieves also sustainability by saving environment and saving economical sources.
This study detects to recycle some kinds of waste to design and produce sustainable creative packs of children’s wear. This study was done on students of ready-made garments department in Damietta university in course of garments packing and storage. Students are divided into three groups: the first group uses the waste of plastic bottles, the second group uses the waste of cartoon paper, the third group uses the waste of wood.
Opinions of garments experts are taken on these sustainable pack through questionnaire. The first group, which uses the waste of plastic bottles, was had the best evaluation from garments experts, then second group and the last third group. The first design from the first group was had the best evaluation. The design of packs was suitable for age category of children, suitable for the usage of garment product and gave aesthetic value to garment product. The waste recycling was, to develop sustainable packs, achieves aesthetic value of product, economical value of product, and good means to get rid of waste.


Main Subjects

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