Use semantic meanings in photographs used in ad design

Document Type : Original Article


1 part-time Instructor :MIU

2 Advertising department-Faculty of Applied Arts-Helwan University-Egypt

3 Professor of Photography in Applied Arts, Helwan University


Meaning is the essence of visual communication drawn from cultural, social, popular and religious backgrounds and all values and standards. I have the actions and practices of individuals and groups and each civilization represents its basic public symbols that establish the background for the meanings of thinking for each individual or group where they organize their lived human experiences in a set of agreed codes as basic beliefs For understanding to be possible between them to express their experiences with their bottom line and their overall joint meaning, which is the targeted content of the communication messages carried by the mediator, which is loaded with symbols and signs agreed upon and shared by a community that express meaning A certain can be generalized or allocated and expanded with a group, and there are many types of semantic meaning that are derived from the surrounding environment, and among them there are types that contribute to increasing the efficiency of information delivery, which is what any declared institution or company may aim to stand on and focus on its use within its formulation of the components of the advertising image and building meanings Symbolic of the content of its message for the purpose of communicating the information efficiently within its communicative goals to achieve material profit and achieve purchasing gains and to ensure the satisfaction and loyalty of the target and prospective groups of the brand and reminds them when responding to the decision to purchase by announcing the road within our Egyptian society in which the image plays The photographic image as an attractive attractant and an essential role in its design, and therefore the importance of the subject of research in his field study came through the following question: What are the different semantic meanings in the images that can be employed to ensure the efficient and successful arrival of the information within the advertising image by announcing the Unipole road in order to achieve the communication goals? In order to determine the most types of semantic meanings included in the photographs, the research relies on the experimental descriptive approach in the field study, and analyzes the results of Unipole advertising units and their suitability with communicative goals in order to verify the research hypotheses.


Main Subjects

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المجلات والمواقع الالکترونیة:
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