Fantastic in the Light of Historical Heritage: The Book of Alaistibsar Fi Eajayib Al'amsar Of the sixth century AH corresponding to the twelfth century AD

Document Type : Original Article




The Islamic historical heritage contains an infinite number of compositions that are characterized by their diversity and their hybridity in terms of the magnificent style of introducing historical material. It is no wonder that we find that some of these compositions relied, in their narrations, on the methodology of the annuals, topics or military campaigns, and some others direct their attention to individuals, classes or families, in addition to the lands as a result of the natural link between time and place in the study of historical event.
This cultural inventory has not lost sight of the early authors' interest in recording all that is Fantastic, whether they saw it with their own eyes or knew it by receiving it from others, which is evident in the contents of his books, and sometimes explicitly manifested in the titles of their compositions.
The notion of Fantastic and extraordinary have won the attention of scholars in terms of its significance and function in the cultural heritage, including this study, which strives to complete this episode of studies, taking into account the paramount importance of initiating a serious attempt to reveal the concept of Fantastic and its manifestations in the Islamic historical heritage through a book in which this term manifested in its title. This the book goes by the name of Alaistibsar Fi Eajayib Al'amsar. This book dates back to the sixth century AH corresponding to the twelfth century AD, and it was honored to be published by Dr. Saad Zaghloul Abdel Hamid in 1958 who decorated it with meaningful comments.

Research Problem:
 What is meant by "Fantastic" and how does it relate to the term of "unfamiliar" and other similar terms?
 What is the rank of the term Fantastic in the Islamic intellectual heritage?
 What is the cognitive classification of the book Alaistibsar Fi Eajayib Al'amsar within the Islamic intellectual heritage? How was the author's approach to writing about Fantastic? What are the manifestations of the Fantastic in the book?

The importance of research: This research is significant due to the importance of the historical heritage, which is full of cultural legacies and monuments that should be highlighted and marked through the historical method.
Research Chapterization: The study will be divided into three basic chapters.


Main Subjects

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