Sustainability and national identity affirmation through products design

Document Type : Original Article


Industrial design department faculty of applied arts Helwan university- Cairo - Egypt


The designer may take a general direction in his design which emphasizes the customs of his country or a model that expresses its own culture, which contributes greatly to the preservation of the cultural and folklore of the people as well as to its dissemination throughout the world, especially in light of the popularity received by these heritage products in European and international markets. Therefore, it is important to preserve the national identity and to continue to innovate and withstand the attempts to invade the identity of the people through globalization. It is not intended to confirm the identity of the national use and transfer symbols and symbolic elements of the heritage literally, but usually the designer analyzes the basic lines of this heritage, style or civilization and integrated into the design lines in an innovative way to build the form or part of it to indicate the value of the product in the direction required. The preservation of the Egyptian identity may come from the design lines that confirm the Egyptian civilization or the character of the pharaonic civilization or the basic symbolic elements of the distinctive forms of the pharaonic products or the Islamic or Coptic elements and their different decorations, With a particular culture or habits that are psychologically linked to the user.
Although sustainability is not a new idea, environmental concerns have started at the international level as a result of the development of industry, technology and the multiplicity of products. The global interest in societies in cementing the culture and concepts of sustainability has not been created in a vacuum, but the social and economic fluctuations and environmental disruptions that have taken place in the international arena with the beginning The new millennium reflects the consequences of not taking these impacts into account in the business models of companies and various organizations. The issue of caring for the environment and promoting sustainability is the most vital and important issue for producers and designers to understand the environmental consequences of industrial product use and visualization can be the best solution to address these problems.
The aim of the research


Main Subjects

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