Interactivity through internet as a tool in apparel consumers studying

Document Type : Original Article


1 Apparel Department,Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University,Giza,Egypt

2 Apparel Design and Management Department , Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Demonstrator, Department of Readymade Garments - Higher Institute of Applied Arts - Fifth Settlement.


The clothing industry in Egypt has many advantages that enable it to access the global markets, but there are economic and technical factors that have led to damage this industry, the most important factor is the lack of interest in marketing research, which helps in weakening the competitiveness in the markets locally and globally. In addition to the dependence of the fashion industry depends on the constant changing of consumer needs and preferences. Therefore, it is a vital activity to study the consumer now, because of the intensity of competition and the widening of the available alternatives to the consumer on one hand, and the change and diversity of his needs and desires on the other hand. Which has led the productive policies of enterprises to be shifted from the production concept to the marketing concept, which mean to produce what can be sold, not to sell what can be produced.
In addition to the emergence of the internet and the development of its technologies have led to its use in the establishment's marketing activities. Also the presence of the facility's website is no longer sufficient now, but rather it has to have interactive methods that go beyond the offered products. Because interactive methods are now working on changing the marketing communications from one-way to two-way through the interaction between the facility and the consumer. Accordingly, an exploratory study was carried out on the websites in the field of apparel to learn about Interactive content on those sites. And one of its results was the interest of international brands in interacting with their consumers, addressing them personally, emphasizing the importance of interaction, and creating a virtual community through electronic presence, whether it is a website or a Facebook page or any other interactive methods. Then after this exploratory study, the following practical steps were implemented:
- Designing an interactive technology in the field of apparel.
- An electronic field study on a website of one of the brands in the field of apparel.


Main Subjects

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