THE Dynamic of war BATTLES PAINTING IN IRANIAN MANUSCRIPTS as a source of innovation design OF HANGINGS fabrics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Printing textiles - applied arts - Helwan University

2 Faculty of Applied art Helwan Univercity

3 Faculty of applied arts


As Iran was one of the peoples that have a great interest in culture and the arts and was in front of copying others from the pattern, and the acquisition of its effects and the head of those peoples, the Greeks, Greeks and the people of China, especially in the manuscripts, which was characterized by dynamism is evident in its images, especially the images of the battles in Iran The period after the most prominent features of dynamic photography in all scenes until the picture became a story tells about itself as the movement of the most important elements in the work of graphic art, a value has nothing to do with the change of shapes or spatial transition in the painting, and has nothing to do with change In the vision or situation taken by the form or form, it also has nothing to do with the effectiveness or kinetic transit or temporality of any kind. . The artist always in all ages tries to exploit his sensory, physical and mental energies so that he can achieve his innovative artistic work and his vision and reflective in the imagination of the ideas of all this constant eternal movement reflected in the work of art to express the melody and rhythm and renewed and show us constantly in life if we meditate The battle appeared as if it were about the battle itself came in the form of a collective battle between two armies or two groups or groups, and sometimes in the form of an individual battle involving two individual fightersAnd when we filmed our cameraman, the army rallied in preparation before going into the battle. All these previous scenes have varied the styles of photographers in expressing the dynamics of these events and formulating them


Main Subjects

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