Incorporation of some modern administrative theories to reduce school administrative pressure in art education

Document Type : Original Article


facality of art education


The current era is called the era of knowledge economy where the revolution is amazing in the field of information, communication and technologies. Therefore, developing countries sought to benefit from this information revolution to serve their communities and develop them and overcome the challenges they face by employing educational models based on the Internet such as e-learning and integration with educational systems, which called To apply the integrated learning system in Egypt to the first year secondary school students in the academic year 2018/2019, which blends the classroom learning with e-learning, with the absence of technical education decision on this system has been a qualitative training for some teachers tide Ares secondary in the basic courses of how to deal with the application of integrated learning strategy with the absence of the role of technical education teacher in this area, which necessitated the current stage, in addition to the reduction of technical education classes for the first grade of secondary to one class instead of two classes with the technical education curriculum for the first grade of secondary as it is Without increasing or decreasing the correlation of this reality with the application of integrated learning, it was necessary for artistic education to have a role in the era of progress and develop strategies applied to teach art in schools to keep pace with progress and not reduce the marginalization of the role of artistic education, especially that art education The problem of research revolves around the possibility of employing social constructivist theory in the preparation of the concept of integrated learning as an approach to teaching art in the secondary stage and the research aims to employ social constructivist theory in the preparation Concept of integrated learning as an approach to teaching art in the secondary stage. Identifying the obstacles that prevent the application of integrated learning in learning the technical education of the secondary stage. Determining the skills needed to employ the integrated learning among the technical education teachers in secondary education. Or art in the transfer of life experiences to students of the first grade of secondary. And build technical expertise through integrated learning for students of the first grade of secondary. And the use of art to serve the community and the student based on the thought and philosophy of social constructivist theory. And used in the research questionnaires Caddiat first research


Main Subjects

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