The impact of children's poems on cartoon characters design of Digital Children's Book (Descriptive and applied study)

Document Type : Original Article


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The poem presented to the child is a type of poetry that is defined as balanced rhythmic speech that suits the child's mindset. Perhaps the child’s poem is written in a colloquial language that the Egyptian child understands or is in an Arabic language so that you need to explain the meanings of her words and then their verses, and in most cases children’s digital books that contain On poems in illustration are equal in that with children's stories books, so they have characters drawn in the style of cartoon or natural style, and they have artistic richness, either in terms of accompanying backgrounds or the colors that they cover, all of which pour into the melting pot of attractive artistic direction.
There is no doubt that the design of cartoon characters accompanying children's digital poems requires the cooperation of both the poet, because he has the talent and imagination that translates the poetic verses of the poem into graphic forms, and the designer who coordinates the literary material (the poem) with the drawing and takes into account the appropriate technical specifications of the book and technical methods When print it.
because the cartoon character in children's digital book poems requires an important graphic and psychological treatment, it must have a set of specifications such as (excessive gravity through the shape and color of her clothes and the anatomical composition of it and then its suitability for the age of the children), and also because it contains psychological vocabulary it must describe Precisely the poem accompanying it, through expressions and gestures emanating from it, and in fact we can almost be tempted that the first thing that a child looks at when browsing a book that contains a collection of poems is cartoon characters and their environments with different patterns.


Main Subjects

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