The General features of Architecture and art of pilgrim churches in the Holy Land in the Middle Ages (comparative study)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor and Acting Head of Art History Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University


The pilgrimages of the Christian world were centered in cathedrals and churches along the pilgrim routes of the Compostela Cathedral, St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and the Holy Land .The Holy Land is the oldest and most important of them.
The Research Problem: Were the Holy Land churches considered pilgrimage churches in the medieval Christian world? Do religious beliefs have an impact on the architectural designs of worship places? What is the role of Bible in building these churches?

Research Objectives:
Presenting the Holy City (Jerusalem), its names, and the first Mother Church in history.
Emphasizing the role of Emperor Constantine and his mother St. Helena in establishing the Christian religion and Jerusalem churches
Reviewing the pilgrimage churches in the middle Ages in Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Galilee Al-Tabgha, Tabar, Beit Hasda, Anya, Mount of Olives, and the Via Dolorosa
Comparing the architecture and arts of these churches with each other to describe and analyze their artworks with regards to their general characteristics
Ascertaining the role of the Bible in recording the most important events and religious figures, their impact on the construction of Jerusalem churches
Define the rituals of the pilgrimages in the eastern Christian world
Designating similarities and differences between Jerusalem churches and middle Ages churches
Methodology: a historical, descriptive and comparative analysis
Importance: a sufficient, comprehensive study of a complete triple series of pilgrimage churches and cathedrals in the Christian world
Methodology: a historical, descriptive and comparative analysis
Importance: a sufficient, comprehensive study of a complete triple series of pilgrimage churches and cathedrals in the Christian world


Main Subjects

المراجع العربيه
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المواقع الالکترونية