Technical methods of Fatimid ceramics and their role in establishing small projects

Document Type : Original Article


Memorial University


Technical methods of Fatimid ceramics and their role in establishing small projects

This study is an attempt to shed light on the important aspect of the Fatimid ceramics heritage with metallic luster, and to identify its features and artistic methods as one of the ideas that help young people, especially the unemployed, to enter the labor market through small projects for the material benefit to them and the Egyptian economy, and to emphasize the importance of the human artistic heritage In strengthening the accumulated experiences of youth and working to advance them and come up with innovative products that meet the needs of the contemporary society and support small enterprises with technical and technical studies for traditional craft products.
The research questions the role that the artistic methods of Fatimid ceramics can play in developing and feeding small enterprises with innovative products bearing the Egyptian identity.
The research aims to highlight the technical aspects of Fatimid ceramics with metallic luster and to extract artistic and aesthetic methods as an important source for contemporary products based on heritage. It also aims to introduce the most important factors that help in establishing and making small enterprises successful.
The results of the study reached to extract the most important technical features and methods of Fatimid ceramics, the most important of which is the emphasis on the Egyptian character and societal customs and traditions in the drawings of expressive subjects on ceramic products.
The researcher recommends the necessity of providing awareness and training programs for young people to contribute to spreading the culture of work through the establishment of small craft projects that rely on heritage and local materials to confirm the identity of Egyptian products, as well as interest in creating various financing sources to support youth, and it is also recommended to provide marketing outlets such as exhibitions, markets, websites and promotion. Her at the internal and external level.


Main Subjects


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