Child journalism drawings analysis and application in designing one-piece printed fabrics

Document Type : Original Article


Facuilty of Applied Art _Benha universty


Child journalism has a characteristic that stems from the nature of audience it addresses, as children differ from other ages, which imposes a specific method in addressing them. Covers and drawings are effective partners in children's journalism because they attract children from first glance. Child journalism is one of the cultural influences that plays an important role in educating children and shaping their personalities because it contributes to guiding, educating, and developing their tastes and linking them to their heritage through drawings inspired by popular legacies, which have the greatest impact in forming a set of values for them and considered a means of public communication for them The research's importance is to shed light on child journalism drawings for both aesthetic and artistic values. The research problem is how to benefit from child journalism drawings in developing innovative designs for one-piece printed fabric. It aims to analyze child journalism drawings and extract its aesthetic values for creating one-piece printed design fabrics and applying on employment proposals. The research assumes that child journalism drawings enrich the field of designing one-piece printed fabric. It has time limits: studying child journalism drawings from the mid-twentieth century to the middle of twenty-first century and spatial boundaries represented in Egypt; objective limits: including the technical study, which is limited to studying and analyzing some models of child journalism drawings, followed by a proposed employment model for children's room furnishings. The research follows a descriptive, analytical, experimental, and statistical approach through technical and applied experiments.


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