Glass canopies between the technical development and the forming values of shades in the urban spaceز (An application on the campus of Helwan University)

Document Type : Original Article


Glass Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


Urban design relates with the human sciences in which the realization of thought is required to spatial environments that achieve their users' requirements. In this study, we deal with design the architectural element (awning) as a structural element that raises the architectural and urban value of the place. In recent years External structures, such as pergolas and awnings, have tended to develop two main lines of development, First line is the development in the external structure of the canopy, either fixed or mobile, fully collapsible or non-collapsible, the possibility of opening an extension to protect from bad conditions Weather. the second line of development was directed towards research in the development of covered materials and the glass material had a significant impact, which is the development in the thermal gain coefficient and the reflection of harmful ultraviolet rays, especially Concerning new uses for parachutes, which are known as stored parachutes for solar energy, where they are converted into electrical or thermal energy to be transferred in a "clean" manner. This enriched pergolas and umbrellas to become valuable furniture elements. Hence, we find that the Egyptian streets lack such elements of urban space furniture.
Research problem:
 Deficiency in employing the glass canopies of the Egyptian Street as a type of covering that achieves thermal comfort in the urban space.
 Need to combine the two functions of shading (protection from solar radiation) and storing solar energy.
Research objective:
 Supporting the modern architecture system with environmentally-friendly glass canopies that generate electric energy.
 To benefit from modern technologies in architectural glass to shade and beautify the university campus's walkways.
Research importance:
 Enriching the Egyptian street with coverings and glass canopies to beautify and shade parking spaces and pedestrian paths in public parks.
 Providing electric energy by using renewable energy (solar energy) for lighting streets, roads, and public places.
 Enriching the campus with artistic and technical creativity to spread the spirit of creativity and innovation within the students at the university.
Research hypotheses:
 Establishing a scientific and technical study of methods of forming and installing glass awnings to reach external coverings that constitute a form of environmental sustainability

Research limits:
 Develop a methodology for designing glass canopies that suit the needs of the university campus and urban space>


Main Subjects

المراجع :
المراجع العربية :
1-     المظلات والمصدات 
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2-     فوزى أبو العزم، هاني - مفهوم التصميم البيئي وأثره على تصميم المظلات المعدنية کأحد نظم الإنشاء المعدني الخفيف- مجلة العمارة والفنون – العدد الحادي عشر- الجزء الأول -2018
-     Hani Fawzy  Abo Elazm-  Mafhom  Altassmim Albeey  wa asarhw ala tassmim ELmezallat Almaadania kahad nozom alenshaaa almaadany alkhfif- magalet alamara wa alfnon –adad hadi asher- gozaa 1- 2018.
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مواقع الإنترنت :
2-      WWW. Library. Online/files/download