Creative coding practices for media artists & designers in Egypt (Challenges, benefits, difficulties)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


Programming plays a huge role in the world that surrounds us, and though its uses are often purely functional, there is a growing community of artists who use the language of code as their medium. Creative coding is a type of computer programming. It is used to create live visuals, creating visual art and design, art installations, projections and projection mapping, sound art, advertising, product prototypes, etc.
Media art as had been flourished in Egypt in the nineties of 20th century.  Many media artists are trying to identify themselves by new form, and challenging mediums. Hence programing and coding, become passion of young media artists, now there is a growing community of artists in Egypt who use the language of code as their medium. Their work includes everything from computer generated art to elaborate interactive installations, all with the goal of expanding our sense of what is possible with digital tools.
While programming as a medium for art is established, there is still much room for discussion on how creative coding practice may be carried out. In what ways may software development, made conducive to artistic creativity? Are media artists facing challenges in expressing their digital artworks for Egyptian audience? What difficulties they are going through? Does non-profit organizations had a role growing of those artists & designers? Can creative coding change perception of art in art & design faculties? This paper aims to present young media artists, who are dealing with digital aesthetics, and investigate an answer for the questions, which had shown above.
