Employing laser-cutting technique to enrich the aesthetics for jeans clothes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Higher Institute of Applied Arts 6th of October City Fashion Department

2 College education quality Mansoura University


Recently, laser beams have been introduced in many fields for their high accuracy and high speed. Therefore, they have spread in industries that rely on the use of cutting, engraving and engraving techniques in the implementation of their products on different materials such as paper, glass, metal, acrylic and wood.
The clothing of jeans is very common in the recent period due to the demand of consumers in summer and winter, and with the rapid development, jeans fabrics are not limited to cotton fiber and can be mixed with polystyrene and others, which adds to the fabrics of jeans and other characteristics and affect the quality of the final product.
The aim of the research is to: Present design proposals for the decoration of denim garments by laser cutting technology, and to determine the quality standards of laser cutting for the decorative design of the jeans. The research follows the descriptive analytical approach with the applied study.
The results were as follows:
 1 - The degree obtained by the designs ranged from 89.68% for the second design and 98.84% for the third design, which indicates the achievement of the foundations and elements of the design and the aesthetic aspect of the design of the denim clothes with decorative design using laser cutting.
2 - The sample of fabrics obtained according to the ratio of fiber mixing (60% cotton - 30% polyester - 8% viscose - 2% spandex) the highest proportion of 96.85%.
3- The best distance between the units in the decorative design is 5: 6 mm by 82.35%.


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المراجع باللغة الإنجلیزیة :
15- Baker ,Laura Berens. Laser Cutting for Fashion and Textiles. Laurence King Publishing .Ltd, London, 2016.                                   
مراجع الانترنت: 
18- https://mawdoo3.com                                                                                                      https://mawdoo3.com/%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%81_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%B2%D8%B12018