ergonomic and interactive properties in the design of metal display systems

Document Type : Original Article


1 applied arts

2 Professor of metal construction&furniture design at the department of metal furniture&construction, faculty of applied arts, Helwan University

3 Professor of ergonomics at the department of metal furniture&construction, faculty of applied arts, Helwan University


n recent days, many trade fairs have tended to exploit their internal structure as an attractive promotional structure to promote the products offered within them, using their walls, ceilings, floors and all its internal architectural components as a platform to present a message addressed to the public and as a general rule of marketing to sell a good or service Receiver, and in order to achieve the best sales.
As a result of the rapid development of digital technology and its transition to interactivity, this technology has changed its potential from our ideas about reality, knowledge and truth and eliminated the distinguishing boundaries between the visual and the real. All that is imagined is part of reality and everything that is realistic can become one of the components of the imagination.
Thus, the design of metal display systems has witnessed a tremendous development and change in form and function, as it has become more than a traditional display material as a work of art with many aesthetic and artistic values. The image, movement and different materials were sometimes used to convey ideas and attract audiences. The literature also played a common role alongside design in the visual systems of metal display systems. Therefore, modern trends in the design of metal display systems have succeeded in creating new artistic styles through visual effects and modern materials technology. The designer creates an attractive and impressive form in the design of the display system, highlighting the company's stated objectives, distinguishing it from the competing companies and clarifying its identity and identity to the public.
As an evolutionary movement to employ interactivity in architectural interiors, the technology of transforming its internal environments, including metal display systems into interactive components, can be defined as design structures that lead to the creation of dynamic spaces and properties capable of performing extensive interactive functions. Where complex physical interactions become possible by the creative fusion of intelligent computing "artificial intelligence" with its real physical kinetic counterpart


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