Rooting through the Egyptian identity symbol in Coptic art and its effect on interior design

Document Type : Original Article


Interior Desigen and Furniture, applied arts, BSU,beni suef ,egypt


Our origins are rich in details of the events and symbols and meanings persisted and was perfected over time backlog in essence formed identity and conscience to society. to reach the status of its design carries the State of creativity and innovation must permeate within time identity experiences accumulated wealth of cultural, The moral, religious, national heritage and environmental cohesion and coherence with the age and needs of living and design.
Egypt went through many eras which consisted of ancient Egyptian civilizations, the Coptic and Islamic. Research study received light over sequential interdependence of these periods and Coptic art influence and influenced by being a tributary of Interior design and furniture in authentic Egyptian identity and fabric of our society.
Research study seeking to support the designer in being part of a global movement to recognize his designs with the originality and print only those not well thought through creative cumulative studies application For an interior design elements based on code identity of Coptic art to find solutions to the problematic of globalization and its negative consequences blur the identity of communities and impact on the national economy.

The results of the study concluded that:
- The creation of a contemporary design through the elements of Egyptian-Christian-Coptic art for a temporary commercial unit and an administrative establishment in which the Egyptian identity can be launched globally in the face of globalization and stimulate the national economy.
- The dialogue of religions is not only linguistic, but intellectually addresses the soul and conscience. All of us are our brothers. Our origins are one that brings us to the land of Egypt. Inspiration and quotation from Egyptian.
- Christian art reduces the gap of global communication, erases the idea of blind religious fanaticism and calls for tolerance. Our Egyptian origins make us all Coptic Jews, Christians, and Muslims. We call for peace and bring peace.


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المواقع الإلکترونیة