The impact of the medical profession on the contemporary art of sudia artiest Ahmed Mater

Document Type : Original Article


Taif University Faculty of Applied Arts and Design


In the last century, attention has been drawn to contemporary art. This interest is especially noticeable in institutions, periodicals and critics around the world. The art historians have boldly asked the question "what is contemporary art." At the Arab level, the experience of contemporary art has not attracted Arab countries or Arab artists. Contemporary art at the level of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has seen a new generation of young artists, which represents a surprising trend in the world of contemporary art. And artist Ahmed Mater one of these artists belonging to contemporary art name in the sky of the Saudi formation of the folds of the mountains of Tihama and from the depths of the clouds filled with love and feelings Fayyad framed with all visual aesthetic and spiritual appetites,
The aim of the research is to identify the life of the Saudi artist Ahmed Matar and the surrounding circumstances in his early years. As well as the impact of the specialty medicine on the work of Saudi artist Ahmed Mater in contemporary art through his work in this area.
The researcher used the documentary descriptive method for his experience more than other scientific research methodologies that are different for such research.
And through the researcher's visits and access to documents and books reached several results that represent the answer to the research questions:
Including how to create the Saudi artist Ahmed Matar. Ahmed Matar was born in Tabuk, where his father worked militarily and had his first living in the men of the brightest mountain village of Tihama Asir, the homeland of his ancestors, and his second life in the city of Abha, the regional capital of the Asir region.
The most important recommendations were: Saudi contemporary art is a pioneering experiment with beautiful meanings and a unique experience. As researchers, it is necessary to prepare research of this kind with Saudi artists who belong to contemporary art and to publish these researches by definition and by this art which carries many concepts and contents. These experiments and the work of meetings to introduce these experiences and not limited to the academic side.


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