The Development Of Metal Handbags For Decoration Based On Modern Artistic Trends

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor Of Metal Works, Department Of Artistic Works And Folklore- Faculty Of Art Education-Helwan University

2 Assistant Professor of Metal Works, Department of Artistic Works and folklore & Faculty of Art Education Helwan University.

3 Department of Artistic and Folklore - Metal Works, Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


The woman was distinguished by her love for decoration and dress to show her beauty and femininity through clothes and accessories that were made of simple environmental materials These supplements evolved in the sequence of times and cultures, and their forms differed in terms of ores and decorations, and clothing supplements are divided into: related clothing supplements and separate clothing supplements. Related Clothing supplements: All that proves and is mounted on clothing by knitting Separate clothing supplements are complementary and non-uniform, and can be altered and altered, including handbags that are of great importance in different arts Where the handbag was initially made up of simple sacks of cloth, some were garnished, and the bag was hung from the person's belt and hung from it Then the methods of carrying the bag evolved and the woman is carrying it in her hand or on her arm. from this point the research will create metal handbags for women's adornment based on modern artistic trends especially directional (Art Nouveau) and (Art Deco). Through the study of the concept of costume and ornamental supplementation and its connection to the metal handbag, as well as showing the stages of the appearance of the handbag until it evolved in (Art Nouveau) and (Art Deco) And manufacturing it from metal In addition to analyzing a range of handbags in general, metal handbags particular in (Art Nouveau) and (Art Deco). The researcher uses metal material such as yellow copper alloy and red copper in carrying out these handbags, beside some non-metallic supplements and metal forming methods, Bags are also carried out through a variety of variables: (Fix the outer shape of the handbag and change the interior design- Change the external shape of the handbag with the installation of the interior design- Change the external shape and interior design).


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