Aesthetics of Sedimentary Rocks as a Source of wall hanging design woven by Gobelin Technique

Document Type : Original Article


Spinning, Weaving and Knitting Dept - Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University


Nature has its own secrets, which leading us to the beauty and creativity less than their counterparts, in the course of the formation of mountains, valleys and rivers across millions of years, which we find the manifestation of the almighty creator.
Mountains are one of the most beautiful geological formations in the world, which create beauty and colors that unmatched, the most colorful mountains with overlapping color trappings are mountains with sedimentary rocks. These mountain ranges are one of the most attractive destinations for tourists from all over the world.
Hence the idea of research is how to take advantage of the aesthetics of these rocks in their beautiful forms and colors in designing and production of wall hanging textile by gobelin technique, which is an ancient art, used in the production of upholstery fabrics and wall hanging, and one of the aesthetic means of adornment, it is a kind of woven fabric made of yarns of different colors, to form a picture or drawing, and most of gobelin fabrics is used as wall hanging on the inner walls. This type is woven on the looms of modern jacquard, so that a large number of different colored threads can be woven to form a detailed view of the details, has been the use of multiple textile structures the freedom to use them on the jacquard looms has a great impact on the development of gobelin fabrics, where the number and arrangement of the colors of the warp and the weft and their different interdependence and obtaining different mixing ratios, and thus on infinite gradations, giving a realistic view of the final view.
Walls hanging textiles are one of the most important elements that decorate the interior space of offices or houses, which give the place artistic and aesthetic value for what it fulfills in completing the interior architecture.
A series of designs inspired by the aesthetics of sedimentary rocks have been used in this research and have been processed using Photoshop and Illustrator software. Some of these designs have been implemented in the gobelin Technique.


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