Cultural identity and its effect on the formation of the designer's thought

Document Type : Original Article


1 6october university

2 Professor of furniture design and head of the department of interior design and former furniture at the Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Head of the Interior Design and Furniture Department at the New Cairo Academy of Sciences and Arts


The philosophical thought of cultural identity is the product of knowledge and thought The organizer of the interior designer's thought is translated through a combination of elements And creative vocabulary through which the designer can connect his identity and to clarify what this identity , form and relationship Which lies in the mind, he is forced to adapt his tools in the expression of his ideas To give it the national character of its design product .A product that bears the hallmark of a society's culture is considered the intellectual product The interaction of culture, nature and heritage . Values resulting from cultural identity affect the direction of creative thought of the interior designer Which can be limited to a variety of structural elements of language ,art , Values, norms, laws, beliefs and symbols The interior design is associated with the personality and spirit of the interior designer It is also related to its history, its origin, and the geography of the place Which contributed to the formation of his visual, spiritual and intellectual vision The philosophical thought of cultural identity is interwoven with the designer's thought, and he is aware of it Which achieves its behavioral pattern in order to guide its thought and through it reaches a modern creative thought In this context, the research aims at clarifying the role of cultural identity in the formulation of the designer's internal thought and his response to the interior design. In addition to interest in psychological abilities For the designer's creative personality Considering the essential ingredients that enable the designer of uniqueness and carrying the creative features that are reflected in the design product Understand and link the role of the interior designer in promoting belonging and establishing cultural identity Through design thinking. The design process is connected and Serial Which must take into account the functional and aesthetic aspect To enrich the design itself. And the designer gives the personal character of the design product Mixed with his identity, which expresses intellectual connotations. Carrying symbolic and aesthetic gloss that interacts with the characteristics of society It is influenced by the different traditions and customs of the environment And it's dynamic. And the indicators it carries for each age .


Main Subjects

مراجع البحث
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