The Importance Employing of the Digital Compositing Art for Visual Effects in Television advertising Design

Document Type : Original Article


1 Applied Art, Helwan university

2 Advertising Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 International Acadmy of Engineering and media science

4 Lecturer Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University


Nowadays Digital Compositing is widely used in the production of visual effects (optical illusion), whether in television programs, video ads or movies, the aim of this process is to combine two or more images into one image, in other words it can be said that the idea The key behind the synthesis is the idea of portraying events that never and never will happen in the real world (falsification of reality).

Visual effects (VFX) are the driving force and economic aesthetic of the advertising industry, which are increasingly used as tools to influence audiences and television viewers and commercials on the Internet, and VFX was invented at the end of the nineteenth century by the French George Millia, who was very impressed with the effects The visual tricks soon had a studio where they explored all sorts of ways to fool the viewer and thus create (VFX).

From the earliest days of filming, filmmakers have sought to capture scenes that combine the real environment with high-quality visual effects, so that the public cannot determine what is true and what is magic deception. The beginning of the optical illusion was in 1888 when George Eastman developed a delicate film strip from which you can project the image, so it is hard to forget that the first motion pictures are themselves a special effect, and the first successful system of filming and displaying motion pictures came in 1895 when the brothers presentedGust and Louis Lumière Cinematograph in Paris, and by examining the direction of the history of visual effects from the past to the present, we can imagine what the visual effects of the future may entail. Of contemporary visions of reality and technology.

This research gives an overview of the digital structure, which contributes significantly to the visual dazzling of television advertising, providing a basis for creating visual effects for the optical illusion of motion picture.


Main Subjects

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