A comparative study between the use of aesthetics of loom beads and hand embroidery to enrich women's cloak designs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Food Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University

2 Faculty of Specific Education – Zagazig University


Embroidery is one of the handicrafts that elevate the value of the piece and earn it glamor. Nowadays, embroidery has become an important element in clothing, whether it is hand embroidery or automatic to add it to fabrics of greatness and beauty. Women's cloak is one of the most important pieces of clothing for women, expressing the customs and traditions of societies, and it has maintained its authenticity since its inception and to this day, has spread its use at all levels of social and economic different in the Egyptian society, Because embroidery is a special artistic process, its results depend on several factors of aesthetic form, the time taken to produce it, and thus the economic factor. Therefore, this research sought to provide new embroidery methods to save time and effort and get the same aesthetic form of design, Two methods of bead embroidery were used, one by the hand method (traditional) and the other in a contemporary fashion (loom beads), to conduct a comparative study to reach the best ways to enrich the women's cloak by using 4 mm crystal beads in constant colors for each of the three designs (1 vegetarian, 1 geometric, 1 animal) and were executed on gowns of black crepe cloth. A survey was conducted for specialists in the field of clothing and textiles as well as for consumers. The results were statistically analyzed using ANOVA analysis, mean, standard deviation and quality factor. The research found that the bead-thread embroidery method was better than the usual manual embroidery method with a quality factor of 96.92 and 62.36 respectively for the professionals and 95.56 and 59.53 respectively For consumers in achieving the evaluation aspects (as a whole).


Main Subjects

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