Monitor some of the Oscars' Fashion Designs and Redesign Them with an Egyptian Identity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

2 Lecturer, Department of Readymade Garments, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


Fashion is a form of communication and social status, sex, nationality, for both communities and individuals. It includes not only clothing, but also accessories, jewelry, even hairstyles and body beauty. The cultural and civilizational identity of a nation is the fixed, fundamental and common destiny of the general characteristics and characteristics that distinguish the civilization of this nation from other civilizations, which make the national or national character, characterize it from other national and national figures. Since the design is the selection and arrangement of all the elements used to ensure that it is produced aesthetically so that the uniform appears clearly in line, shape, color and corresponds to the contemporary period it is the creative work that achieves a certain satisfaction.
This research aims to study the distinctive features of the Oscars to identify what is new in the fashion world, especially fashion design including new quotations in lines, colors or materials to reach the fashion tired of others and become modern designs. It is possible to fit some and do not suit others, and here came the idea of research monitoring some of these designs in the festival and redesigning them with an Islamic identity in accordance with Egyptian customs and traditions.
The descriptive method is followed. The most important results of the study were to classify the styles of the international designers in this festival and analyze the most exciting designs, then processing them to fit modern women with an Egyptian identity with the vision of an Arab designer who is well-versed, capable and bold, able to follow the international fashion that many women expect to feel proud and possessing in addition to excellence in clothing and high quality techniques that keep pace international fashion and the Islamic identity of Egypt in the spirit the designs of the international Academy of Oscars, which many women like.
Keywords: Oscar, Fashion Designs, Egyptian Identity.


Main Subjects

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