Wood materials are adopted as a strategic component of project-based learning for interior design students( Applied experiment)

Document Type : Original Article


Interior Design,Faculty of Applied Arts,Helwan University


Modern educational systems focus on learning based on outputs, which verify the actual experiences and practices of students, learning in this way is beneficial to students in many fields, including: it enables them to apply theoretical knowledge that they acquired during the study period in a practical application, and to learn the nature of the labor market and its needs and the acquisition of new technical experience. One of the most important reasons that lead to a decline in the capabilities of graduates is that many higher education institutions in some of our Arab societies lose sight of the importance of professional practice during their academic studies in various practical disciplines, although it is one of the basic conditions for obtaining a university degree. Hence the interest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where the most important trends have taken the necessity of adopting academic programs in this direction as a principle of education based on outputs, and providing all its requirements, tools and equipment to ensure the acquisition of skills and knowledge through passing real experiences, including projects. Education has now become interconnected and seen and confirming the correlation between the two halves of learning, the theoretical and the practical, which is confirmed by the pillars of the modern educational process. As application is the cornerstone of completing learning goals and raising capabilities, it is a human requirement and an urgent necessity in a rapidly changing world, and the university is no longer a channel for transferring theoretical knowledge only, but it is also a source for the integration of experiences, it has been proven that combined learning that includes the theoretical and applied sides has achieved success. It is great for students in many countries that have taken these steps in their curricula, as this method seeks truth in the stage of application and observation, and it is not sufficient to derive it from contemplation in theoretical courses, and through it the student goes through all the stages of technology and what it uses of materials, the interest in using materials and technologies reveals new uncommon visions whose purpose is to show new skill values for them a positive role in shaping the capabilities of the student through experimenting with different materials. This comes from the integrated learning approach that links what the student studies in the classroom with the real reality of the work environment,


Main Subjects

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