The mythological time dimension as a constant in the formulation and formation of elements of interior design " the Egyptian and Chinese Civilization"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer, Higher Institute of Applied Arts, Fifth Settlement

2 Professor, Department of Interior Design and Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Professor of Interior Design Furniture Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


This research examines the relationship between the mythology of civilizations of the ancient world, which means the science of studying myths and beliefs of ancient religions and concepts of contemporary architectural design, in the context of its presentation of several ideas about the meaning of the concept of mythology and how it is embodied in architecture and interior design, its beginning and evidence of its existence, its branches, and ways of its transmission through time To become morphological structures and symbolic symbols characterize the interior architectural void.
Humanity presented a legacy of beliefs and myths in which nations expressed their differing theories of the universe and creation and the secrets of life, for man has learned the methods by which this heritage is recorded in what is known as (mythology or the science of collecting and knowing the beliefs and myths), generations passed on these legacies either written or drawn on Plates and murals in the form of inscriptions or verbally transmitted such as stories or concrete such as antiquities and excavations, the book assumes that architectural thought is one of the areas affected by the branches of this science, then the subject of this book revolves around the taking of some contemporary architects to the legacies and symbols of the mythology of the ancient world Key to their designs and architecturally expressed.
Where the concept of mythology in architecture is one of the topics that are related to the issue of heritage preservation, and therefore this research aims to clarify the concept of mythology, monitor the relationship between it and architecture and see how it is embodied in various external and internal architectural works, and about the relevance of the mythology to many factors affecting the nature Realizing it in the architecture of architectural work, this research deals with its branches in detail from (religious beliefs, the view of ancient societies to create the universe, myths and religious stories, metaphysical trends, religious symbols, sacred figures and numbers) in order to identify the The causes and motives that resulted from the features of the architecture of civilizations, and then used as inspirational sources for formulating and shaping the elements of interior design.


Main Subjects

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    رابعا: مواقع الانترنت:

    تاریخ الزیارة 2019

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