Elements of interior design in the second half of the nineteenth century (the era of Khedive Ismail) An analytical study of Abdeen Palace

Document Type : Original Article


1 the higher institute of applied arts -6 October department: interior architecture& decoration

2 Professor, Department of Interior Design & Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University.


Over the years, Egypt has witnessed a revolution in architecture, interior design and furniture, affected by many external western influences. There is no doubt that the era of Khedive Ismail was one of the most prominent transformations in architecture, interior design and furniture compared to the rest of the ages in the history of modern Egypt with a unique vision as the modern urban renaissance. He had an enlightened European vision, trying to restore the glory of his grandfather Muhammad Ali Pasha, but in a more civilized and organized way.
The Paris-Orient project presented by Khedive Ismail, which bears the full features of the Western European model, has the most influence in the form of Cairo's architectural visual image, dominated by European styles. Despite the presence of the Ottoman and Mamluk models, the European immigrant trend has spread widely and took two basic forms: the straight revivalism and the eclecticism styles.
Abdeen palace was chosen for this study, where this palace occupies a distinguished place in our history. Since it’s construction, It witnessed more than 100 years of political, social and artistic of an important part of modern Egypt’s history. Abdeen palace is also distinguished by the variety of its different interior design styles that decorates its halls. As it is considered one of the most palaces that includes the largest number of styles that came to Egypt during the nineteenth century.
In this research, the different styles imported to Egypt during this historical period will be studied by analyzing the interior design elements of Abdeen Palace.
The study concluded that architecture and interior design in Egypt revived a range of European styles such as Baroque, Renaissance, Rococo and others and extended to the revival of Islamic style. And they has been shown in this analytical study of their design elements wehad reached some of the rules that define the styles that was imported to Egypt in the nineteenth century, which can be used by designers later as a reference for the design identity of that period.


Main Subjects

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