Interior design standards for some innovative materials

Document Type : Original Article


High institute of applied arts - 6th of October


Interior design is a science, that has special requirements and needs integrated studies must be reached to meet the functional needs of the space, with regarding the aesthetic aspects of it.
There is no doubt that the choice of materials used in the implementation of different designs play a key role in solving design problems, and falls on it the design success or failure, to both of formal formulations or functional requirements.
There has been a great revolution in the field of interior design materials is no longer limited to traditional materials as wood, glass, ceramics...and others. but it developed by modern science, so we find smart materials and nano materials without neglecting the traditional and natural raw materials.
Interior designers should know the different design criteria for each material to implement any design, by studying its characteristics and the strength or weakness of its capabilities and operational limits.
Keywords: Design considerations - smart materials -nano materials - interactive materials
Problem: Lack of previous studies that determine these materials or its interior design usage.
don't used these materials, due to the lack of resources to explain these materials and how to use them in a successful designs.
Goals: Trying to clarify some types of materials and determine the differences between them.
Trying to reach some functional and aesthetic standards to achieve the possibility of dealing with them in a suitable way.
Importance: Monitoring some types of materials that have been developed, and trying to shed light on how to use them optimally in interior design field in different environments.
using this research as a reference tool for methods of using these materials.
Results: using these materials in interior design enriches the local environment with cultural and technology.
The application of design standards in the use of materials developed in interior design leads to the depth of functional and aesthetic solutions for spatial spaces.


Main Subjects

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